volunteer appreciation

OFA Youth Leadership Team re-launches OFA Volunteer Appreciation Programme

Oxfordshire FA’s Youth Leadership Team has relaunched their appreciation campaign focused on thanking and appreciating volunteers across the county.

There are so many fantastic volunteers who give up hours of their time to support grassroots football across the county.

To follow on from the announcement of the Oxfordshire FA Grassroots Football Awards 2022 earlier this month, we would like to continue to recognise and appreciate our brilliant volunteers!

The Oxfordshire FA Youth Leadership Team will be welcoming nominations from across the county on a monthly basis.

We will then select a Volunteer of the Month for Oxfordshire, who will receive recognition of their work on all Oxfordshire FA social media channels.

A volunteer can be nominated by any member of a club or league – and clubs and leagues can nominate more than one volunteer per month.

Winners of Volunteer of the Month will then be automatically put forward to become a nominee for Volunteer of the Year at the annual Oxfordshire FA Awards.

When nominating, please consider the FA PRIDE values. These values and ways of behaving are what we all strive towards in grassroots football. So, when making your choices, think about who has demonstrated all of the following:

Progressive - Always looking to improve and innovate
Respectful - Leading by example to inspire positive behaviour
Inclusive - Uniting all people of any age, ethnicity and background
Determined - Rising to and overcoming challenges
Excellent - Striving to make football the best it can be

Additionally, think about all the roles in grassroots football. Think about who’s impressed you, who’s really made a difference – and how they made that positive impact happen. The more details you can give us, the better.

Tell us about how they’ve behaved with fairness and integrity, and how they’ve created a fun, safe and inclusive environment for everyone. Think about how they encourage the very best, both in themselves and in everybody around them. How have they risen to overcome challenges, and make a truly positive impact in the community?

What makes them stand out? Why does this person deserve to win OFA Volunteer of the Month and what impact have they made?

Each club or league that nominates a volunteer will also be put into a draw to win discount football kits. These draws will take place at the end of January and the end of the 2022-23 season. 

If you know somebody deserving of the title Volunteer of the Month, please complete the nomination form below – and make use of the shortlisting criteria to help shape your nomination.


Good luck!

Please note, winners must be part of an affiliated Oxfordshire FA club or league.