Female players in action

She Can Play Fund - Now Open

Funding now available to help develop two key areas of female football in Oxfordshire.

Oxfordshire FA is pleased to announce that the She Can Play Fund is now open for applications.

The new She Can Play Fund aims to support clubs and organisations, to help set-up new women and girls’ sessions across the county. 

With up to £200 on offer, now is the perfect time to set up a new session.

The aim of the She Can Play Fund is to increase playing opportunities for females across Oxfordshire in areas of low provision, providing clubs with the chance to increase their female football offer.

The fund will support the following areas:

  • £100 for Under-7 girls’ teams
  • £200 for adult female 5-a-side
  • £200 for adult female Walking Football sessions

Funding can be utilised for elements such as kit and equipment, promotional materials, venue hire and much more – all of which can be found in the guidance document, available to download below.

NOTE: All teams must be affiliated to Oxfordshire FA before the start of the 2020/21 season.

The She Can Play Fund application window will be on-going until the funding has been exhausted. Please see below to download an application form.

James Shiplee, Football Development Officer at Oxfordshire FA, said: “We want to continue the growth of women and girls’ football in Oxfordshire and this fund gives us a unique opportunity to grow two areas of the game, where we want to see some of that growth. Alongside the under-7s entry point for girls, recreational level for adults is where we hope to find some of the missed generation that never had the chance to experience football when they were younger.”



For more information, please contact James Shiplee, Football Development Officer, via development@oxfordshirefa.com or call 01993 894403.