Oxfordshire FA Youth Football Leadership Team
This is your chance to be part of a team that provides opportunities for young people across the county to develop and hone their leadership skills while developing yours. The team will be made up of leaders from all areas of Oxfordshire and from all parts of the football community, so whether you’re a referee, a coach, a player or just someone with an interest in football, we’ve got the role for you.
The Oxfordshire FA Youth Football Leadership Team is in place to support and develop youth football and youth leaders across the county, using the views and experiences of young people within the game.
The team will seek to improve the quality of football by voicing their own opinions and delivering projects that link to the Oxfordshire FA strategy. This will include such things as developing Youth Leaders, supporting the development of referees, and assisting with the county’s Respect Weekends.
We’re looking for new members to build on the quality of work that the Youth Football Leadership Team has done up to now and are looking forward to welcoming applications from across the county. Members will be expected to attend meetings, which are held every 6 weeks, with dates below, and to use their determination and passion to improve youth football.
The meeting dates are:
3rd October 2017
14th November 2017
9th January 2018
20th February 2018
3rd April 2018
15th May 2018
26th June 2018
All Meetings will take place at the OFA offices from 7:00PM-9:00PM.
Please note that members of the team will be expected to attend all meetings unless a valid reason is provided.
Benefits of being part of the Youth Football Leadership Team include:
- Improve your leadership skills
- Gain real experience to help you in education and employment
- Make a difference in the game you love
- Meet other likeminded people who are passionate about football
- Gain more confidence
- Opportunities to attend Oxfordshire FA, regional and national events
To be part of the Youth Football Leadership Team, you must:
- Be aged 14-24
- Be committed to attending and actively participating in all Oxfordshire FA Youth Football Leadership Team meetings (reasonable expenses will be available to claim)
- Be able to deliver and attend football events related to the role
- Be passionate about the game and improving it for young people
To apply, please click here http://surveys.thefa.com/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=ll00565M, and complete the application form. Applications are open until the 22nd September.
If you have any questions on the Youth Football Leadership Team please contact James Shiplee at James.Shiplee@OxfordshireFA.com or on 01993 894403.