Safeguarding and Welfare
Football in England takes safeguarding extremely seriously.
The on-going work to make the game as safe and enjoyable as possible is led by The FA, the game’s governing body in this country.
This work is delivered through County FAs such as ourselves in conjunction with our leagues and clubs.
A clear safeguarding strategy has been put in place by The FA to protect children and young people, as well as Adults at Risk, involved in the national game. It is complete with policies, procedures and regulations. Every County FA has to achieve the Safeguarding Operating Standards through a bi-annual audit currently but the work is embedded in our every day operations.
Every club in the country must adhere to the policies which apply to them. If not, they face sanctions, including suspension from playing.
Within this section of our website, you'll find all the necessary information and policies on safeguarding and welfare, social media guidance, mental health support, local initiatives and details of online safeguarding and medical resources to ensure you stay on top of your club or leagues safeguarding responsibilities.
Find out more about safeguarding in Oxfordshire here
If you have children playing football or are responsible for children playing football, please watch this short video which shows how we can all support football to keep children safe and enjoying the sport they love.
If having watched the video you are inspired to volunteer to support youth football please contact your local club or
If you have a question about anything to do with safeguarding or player welfare - talk to Nigel!
Oxfordshire FA's Education, Safeguarding and Referee Support Manager, Nigel Saverton, is on hand to help with anything you need.
Drop him an email via or call 01295 407553.
Safeguarding in Oxfordshire
Best Practice & Guidance
Policies & Reporting Concerns
Open Age
Adults at Risk
Social Media
Poor Practice
Voice Of The Child
Kids Zone
Please click the link below to read answers for some of our frequently asked questions when it comes to safeguarding.