Oxfordshire FA

Code of Governance


Under fresh leadership through new Chair David Tutton and Chief Executive Jonathan Duckworth from the start of the 2023/24 season onwards, by the end of 2024 the Oxfordshire FA had successfully evidenced, and continues to ensure, full compliance with the nationwide FA Code of Governance. 

The FA were the first national governing body in English sport to introduce a county code of governance, which sets an even higher bar than the current Sport England gold standard expects. The FA Code of Governance includes provisions for locally representative diversity and youth engagement across the County FA network with five key principles: structure; people; communication; standards and conduct; and policies and processes ensuring the highest standard of corporate governance in football by having best practice operations and decision-making processes in place to locally support the game.

As the national sport that millions of people play and support across the country, it is vital that the FA, County FAs and local leagues serve and lead the game as effectively and inclusively as possible. The regional code of governance supports that by ensuring County FA Boards are best placed to deliver football as well as represent and support the communities they serve.

County FA Code of Governance

As the national sport that millions of people play and support across the country, it is important that The FA and CFAs serve and lead the game as effectively as possible.

This new regional code of governance will support that by ensuring County FAs are best placed to deliver football as well as represent and support the communities they serve.


Get In Touch

E: Support@OxfordshireFA.com